Monthly Archives: February 2012

January, February…


It’s early February, Imbolc has passed, the days are drawing out, and the light is becoming longer each day. The snowdrops have been out since early January and are holding their own against the cold bite of Winter.

It’s been a good start to the poetic year, with the start of an exciting programme of poetry workshops co-ordinated by Half-Moon/Valley Projects. The workshops will be monthly and will explore the UK’s wonderful landscapes, both rural and urban. Each workshop will be run by an experienced poet.

January’s workshop was located on Wenlock Edge, and was led by Helen Calcutt. It was a cold day but the light had a magic of its own. A sharp purity which cut to the bone.

Friends and I had an inspriring day. My daughter, Lissy, aged 5, joined us on her first ever poetry workshop. She braved the cold and jotted down words and images in her notebook.

She wrote a stunning poem from her notes over lunch.

Winter Poem

It is winter.

Winter is a cold place.
I have been outside

with mummy’s friends
and my friends.

The snowdrops are covered
in a frosty dew.

by Lissy

For more information on future poetry workshops please visit:

I’m one of Half-Moon’s writers and will be leading a future workshop, which will be based in Worcestershire.

The next workshop is the Spring Moon workshop and will be led by David Calcutt and is on Saturday, 17th March and is in Stratford-upon-Avon. Particpants are asked to bring a line from Shakespeare as an inspirational starting point.